In an effort to promote DXing, the Northern Illinois DX Association is proud to sponsor awards for the following activities.
CQ Magazine’s Annual DX Marathon
NIDXA sponsors these plaques for the DX Marathon.
Highest score in Unlimited Class
Highest score in Limited Class
Highest score in Formula Class
ARRL Contests
NIDXA sponsors these plaques for the ARRL International DX Contests
Central Division, Single Band, DX Phone
CQ World Wide Contests
NIDXA sponsors this plaque for the CQWW contests.
USA Single Operator, Single Band (14 MHz) CW
Congratulations to previous plaque winners

Thank you to the Northern Illinois DX Association for providing me with the DX Marathon plaque for my 2019 LIMITED first place finish. I have lots of contest certificates, but this plaque is my first. It will look fantastic on the wall of my shack. 73, Jim K1PTF

Hello DX Friends! I just wanted to thank you for sponsoring the 2018 CQ DX Marathon Formula Class plaque! With my simple setup of 100w and a few wire antennas (1 Carolina Windom and 3 EDZ antennas plus a DXE 43’ vertical), I was able to take home first place in 2018. Thank you for the plaque! I’m in the running again this year hopefully! Tough condx for 100w and wires this year but I’m forging ahead! 73, Jim K2JL