
Email Reflector

All members are encouraged to join the NIDXA email reflector. A great deal of information is shared among the group via this method. This includes minutes of the monthly meetings, member rosters, and more. If you’re an NIDXA member, and not on the reflector, you should join today.

Swap & Shop

Looking for a piece of equipment? Have something taking up space in your shack?

In partnership with the Metro DX Club, the Swap & Shop has been created to help connect with “local” buyers and sellers to avoid the pitfalls that come with buying from strangers on the internet.

Member DXCC Totals

NIDXA now has a club league within Clublog.

W9BZW Repeater

For the enjoyment of the entire ham community, NIDXA operates the W9BZW 2 meter repeater.

Repeater Tx (radio Rx) : 147.36 MHz transmits with PL (CTCSS) tone of 107.2 Hz
Repeater Rx (radio Tx) : 147.96 MHz, requires PL (CTCSS) tone of 136.5 Hz

The purpose of the repeater is to be a resource for hams interested in working DX.  You are encouraged to use the repeater to call in DX spots, discuss DXpeditions, discuss propagation, etc.  Please limit long rag chews about non-DX topics and give priority to DX spots. 

Skype Chat Room

Looking to work that DX before many of the others in the area?

NIDXA operates a chat room using the Skype platform. This is a very active chat room dedicated to spotting DX stations to our members, and also other discussions about DXing in general.

Instructions for installation/configuration of Skype and joining the chat room can be located within the NIDXA email reflector files section. You must be a member of the reflector to access the instructions. You may also contact Paula K9IR directly.

DX Cluster

Mike K9AJ runs a DX cluster node for DX Spotting


For helpful information, including DX Cluster commands, please visit


This is what we’re all here for right? Working the DX and confirming the QSOs. Don’t stop there, make sure you submit them to the ARRL DXCC Desk to get credit with the league.

The DXCC desk has a wealth of information about the DXCC award program. The DXCC desk is where you can submit an application, search for card checkers, check the status of your application, learn about LotW and DXCC. Who doesn’t need a refresher on the DXCC rules from time to time? Check out their site, you may want to set aside some time for it, as there is quite a bit of information available.